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After intense years of implementation, data collection, analyses and reporting, Transforming Integrated Care in the Community (TICC) project has come to an end. In other words, the most important phase has started. Disseminate, share findings and knowledge gained in recent years, in order to support other organizations and individuals.

Launched in 2018, the TICC project has been focusing on the implementation of an integrated nurse-led community-based care model, inspired by Buurtzorg. This model relies on self-managing teams of carers and nurses, based at a neighbourhood level and handling each aspect of care, ensuring their financial sustainability. This model has led to a significant decrease in back-office needs, a shift from the traditional manager to a coach whose role is to provide advice to ensure the team’s autonomy. For patients, this means a provision of health and care services at home at a lower price but with higher quality intervention, resulting in fewer unplanned hospital admissions.

Would you like to gain insight into how TICC partners have been creating systemic changes in health and social care? Download the project’s final publications!



One of the main outputs of this project from the start was to be a blueprint for successful transfer of social innovative service models in health and social care from one country to another benefitting all public/private services.

The blueprint evaluates what has been done over the last five years, the barriers and challenges encountered by TICC partners, and the solutions they have developed in their own contexts.

Available in English

French version available soon



This report provides an extensive description of the evaluation of TICC during the 2017 to 2022 period. The order is based on the expected results stated at the start of the project, divided into four overarching project themes: TICC teams implemented, implementation experiences of the TICC model, care staff in self-managing TICC teams, better care for people and cost savings.

Explaining in detail how the project was evaluated and its results at organisational and national level, the report concludes with a discussion, in which the findings of the evaluation are stated and interpreted.

Available soon in English and French


Find out everything you need to know about the TICC project on the legacy website:



The Health and Europe Centre (UK) | Buutrzorg Concepts (NL) | Kent County Council (UK) | Kent Community Health Foundation Trust (UK) | Medway Community Healthcare (UK) | Soignons Humain (FR)  | Public World (UK) | Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen (BE) | Emmaüs Elderly Care (BE) | Eurasanté (FR) | VIVAT Homecare (FR) | Lille Catholic Hospitals (FR) | HZ University (NL) | La Vie Active (FR)