Who we work with

We work with the public sector through NHS Trusts and local authorities and with other care providers such as charities and social enterprises.
Our work with care provider organisations means we have gained a detailed insight into the best approach to delivering a Buurtzorg inspired model; we understand what is required to make it successful.
See where we are supporting change across the UK on our map.
We have worked with the following organisations to support learning about Buurtzorg through workshops, seminars and study visits. In many cases (those in bold) we are also supporting ‘test and learn’ or ongoing initiatives with new or existing community nursing or home care teams.
- Aberdeen Health and Social Care Partnership
- Cornerstone
- Scottish Borders Health and Social Care Partnership
- Public Health Wales
- Dorset University NHS Foundation Trust
- Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
- Healthcare Improvement Scotland
- NHS England
- NHS Employers
- Advancing Quality Alliance
- Royal Society for the Arts, Manufacturing and Commerce
- London Borough of Newham
- Guy’s and St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust
- East London NHS Foundation Trust
- West Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group
- West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
- Kent Community NHS Foundation Trust
- Thistle Foundation
- Kent County Council
- Medway Community Healthcare
- Provide
- Cambridgeshire County Council
- Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust
- Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- East Cheshire NHS Trust
- Health and Europe Centre
- Meaning Conference
- Losing Control
See what people are saying . . .
‘Change is absolutely possible!’
‘It has been a challenging, thought provoking course, stretching me in ways I didnt expect and it has given me the experience and knowledge I need to apply to our local systems. It’s also enthused me and has made me realise that change is absolutely possible! . . .’
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‘We feel empowered!’
‘As [pilot team] employees we feel empowered. We have been given the responsibility and opportunity to have a real impact on our customer’s lives, and this is something we are relishing. […] The impact on our customers and their families is immense. They feel closer to the Council through the contact they have with us. They are empowered by the IT application we use, which includes mechanisms for Customer and Family member feedback. They enjoy the level of ownership and flexibility they have in the care they receive.. . .’