by Ali Rice | Dec 9, 2021 | By Rachel Lewis
This year I took part in the 2021 Caring Places Festival, hosted by Buurtzorg Britain and Ireland. The day explored what a caring place can look like, and specifically what the health and care system’s role is in creating caring places. It is already becoming a cliché...
by Brigit Parker | Jul 23, 2019 | Uncategorized
Aretta had been working with her client for a few days now. Jack was a typical case of a slightly lonely, elderly man in the London borough, with a range of support needs. Not seriously ill, just in need of some help every so often, and Aretta had become his ‘first...
by Brigit Parker | May 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
Buurtzorg Britain and Ireland held its Inspiration Workshop to an international audience of health and social care leaders in London last week. Building on the experience gained by working with NHS Trusts and local authorities across the country, the workshop was...
by Brigit Parker | May 9, 2019 | Uncategorized
As part of the TICC programme, Buurtzorg Britain and Ireland and other UK partners have attended a Coaching Workshop in Utrecht delivered by Buurtzorg Netherlands. Buurtzorg breaks the usual mould of manager and a team of subordinates to replace it with the concept of...
by Brigit Parker | Apr 5, 2019 | Uncategorized
As part of our work with Health Impovement Scotland, we have produced a series of webinars covering many different aspects of Buurtzorg working. Grab a coffee, take a break and sit back and check out our webinars! Webinar 1 – Introduction to Buurtzorg Webinar 2...
by Brigit Parker | Mar 19, 2019 | Homepage, News, Uncategorized
We have been busy supporting our partners Kent Community Health Foundation Trust (KCHFT) and Kent County Council (KCC) to scale up Buurtzorg in their organisations, and recruit two new teams to complement original team created as part of the TICC programme....