Buurtzorg Netherland has revolutionised community health and social care in its home country and inspired radical change in organisational design worldwide. Now Buurtzorg is partnering with the Disruptive Innovators Network to explore how the model could work in social housing.
As organisations begin to emerge from Covid they are having to look again at their organisational design to ensure it will meet the requirements of a very different world. One in which command and control structures won’t deliver the services tenants and residents will need. The self-managing teams Buurtzorg model enables and supports its frontline professionals to develop strong relationships with the people they serve and co-create solutions to the challenges they face. To do that, professionals – whether nurses or housing colleagues – need to be free to take responsibility with a clear and simple framework of standards about service quality, workplace relationships and resource use.
So how could this work in housing organisations?
DINLab are offering providers the opportunity to participate in a discovery with us to explore in detail how the model works in practice in your organisation and whether this is the right approach for your business.
If you’re interested in finding out more, we’re holding a briefing session to give an overview of what the programme will entail, the inputs and possible outputs, the content and what life in the lab will be like. In the session we will touch on the following topic areas that build self-managing possibilities.
· From purpose to practice: the logic of the Buurtzorg model from frontline to back office
· Freedom with responsibility: how self-management strengthens accountability & governance
· Trust and transparency: understanding the necessary leadership mindsets and behaviours
· Quality and productivity: replacing a zero-sum approach with continuous improvement
· Making it happen: turning your tanker without spilling the oil or sparking a mutiny!
Come and understand more about:
– The key principles of Buurtzorg’s self-managing success
– How exploring these in the DINLab could benefit your organisation
– What it takes to make a success of your involvement in the lab and find new ways of working to deliver better results for all
Book your place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/building-self-managing-teams-the-buurtzorg-way-a-discovery-dinlab-tickets-206822841687